
챗GPT 등 요즘 핫하다는 AI 챗봇에게 라이믹스에 대해 질문해 봤습니다

2023.04.24 05:55

공정한(?) 결과를 위해 질문은 "Compare Zeroboard, XpressEngine 1.x, Rhymix. Zeroboard is korean board cms. Rhymix is fork of XpressEngine 1.8"로 통일, 및 재생성 기능을 제외한 다른 질문은 사용하지 않았습니다. (가끔 ChatGPT가 ~~라는 재밌는 답을 했다더라 하는것들중 대다수는 이미 ~~라고 답변하라고 지시한 것입니다)


[Google Bard]

Zeroboard, XpressEngine 1.x, and Rhymix are all content management systems (CMS) that are used to create and manage websites. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific needs.


Zeroboard is a Korean-developed CMS that is known for its ease of use and its focus on community features. It is a good choice for users who want a simple and straightforward CMS that is easy to learn and use.


XpressEngine 1.x is an older version of the XpressEngine CMS. It is a powerful and flexible CMS that is known for its performance and its wide range of features. However, it is no longer under active development, so it may not be the best choice for users who need the latest features and security updates.


Rhymix is a fork of XpressEngine 1.8. It is a community-driven project that is designed to continue the development of XpressEngine 1.8. It is a good choice for users who want a powerful and flexible CMS that is still under active development.


Here is a table that compares the three CMSs in more detail:

Feature Zeroboard XpressEngine 1.x Rhymix
Ease of use Easy to learn and use Powerful and flexible Powerful and flexible
Community features Strong focus on community features No community features Strong community
Performance Good Excellent Excellent
Features Basic features Wide range of features Wide range of features
Security No security updates No security updates Security updates available
Development status No longer under active development No longer under active development Under active development


준실시간 검색을 기반으로 하다 보니 가끔 사실과 다른 답변이 나오긴 해도 대부분 정확합니다.(아직도 중간 XE 1.x에 커뮤니티 기능 "없음"이라 해두긴 했습니다) 특히 보안패치 부분을 제로보드/XE 1.x 모두 없음으로 해둔 부분이나 개발 지원 부분도 라이믹스만 지원중으로 해둔 부분이 보이네요.



Zeroboard, XpressEngine 1.x, and Rhymix are all Korean content management systems (CMS) designed to facilitate the creation and management of websites, particularly online communities and discussion boards. They have different features, functionalities, and levels of support, which can make them more or less suitable depending on the specific needs of a project. Here's a comparison of the three:


1. Zeroboard:
Zeroboard is an older Korean CMS that has been popular for creating online communities and discussion boards. Although it was once widely used, it has now become outdated and may lack some features and security updates found in more modern CMS options.


- Familiarity for users who have used it in the past
- Simple and easy to set up


- Outdated technology
- Limited features compared to newer CMS platforms
- May lack important security updates


2. XpressEngine 1.x:
XpressEngine (XE) is a more modern, open-source Korean CMS that is designed to be easy to use and highly customizable. It is developed and maintained by a community of developers, and version 1.x is an older version that still has some active users.


- Easy to use and customize
- Supports various modules and addons
- Active community support


- Version 1.x is an older version, with limited updates and support
- Some users may find it less user-friendly than more recent CMS options


3. Rhymix:
Rhymix is a fork of XpressEngine 1.8, which means it was developed based on the XE 1.8 codebase but has since evolved independently. As a result, Rhymix has many similarities to XpressEngine 1.x but also includes additional features, improvements, and security updates.


- Based on the popular XE 1.8, so it has many familiar features
- Continuously updated and improved, with a focus on security and performance
- Supports various modules and addons
- Active community support


- May have a steeper learning curve for new users compared to other CMS options


In conclusion, while Zeroboard may have been a popular choice in the past, it has become outdated and is not recommended for new projects. XpressEngine 1.x is a more modern option, but its older version may lack some features and support compared to the latest versions. Rhymix, as a fork of XpressEngine 1.8, combines many of the benefits of XE with additional improvements and updates, making it a strong choice for those looking to create or manage a Korean website or online community.


Bard와 비슷한 답변을 줍니다. 2021년 기준으로 답변하는 ChatGPT지만 XE 1.x는 그보다 한참 전인 2019년쯤 마지막 업데이트를 했다 보니 "limited updates and support"라고 명시하고 있네요. 다만 ChatGPT의 경우 제약이 꽤 강하다 보니(깎아내리는 표현을 쓰지 않고 최대한 돌려 말합니다) 제한적일수 있다 정도로만 이야기하고 있습니다. 라이믹스의 경우 유일한 단점으로 학습하기 어려울 수 있다(가파른 학습 곡선ㅠ)..를 뽑고 있네요.


[Bing AI]

This is Bing. I searched the web for Zeroboard, XpressEngine 1.x, Rhymix comparison and found some information. Here is a brief summary:


Zeroboard is a web board program that was developed by Go Young-soo and was popular in the early 2000s. It only supported bulletin boards and had limited scalability and security issues.


XpressEngine (XE) is a web content management system (CMS) that was developed by Go Young-soo with the support of Naver. It is based on PHP and supports various modules, widgets, addons and skins. It was originally planned as Zeroboard 5, but later changed its name to XE. It has gone through several major updates, but also faced some compatibility and performance problems.


Rhymix is a fork of XpressEngine 1.8 that was started by the XE user community XETOWN. It is also a PHP CMS that aims to improve the security, stability and usability of XE. It has some features that are not available in XE, such as image editing, file sharing and mobile layout. It also has a different license (GPL) and database structure than XE.


Some references for more details are:

1 Rhymix - 나무위키

2 XpressEngine - 나무위키

3 Rhymix - 라이믹스 소개

4 rhymix/README.md at master · rhymix/rhymix · GitHub

5 Rhymix - 매뉴얼


아무나 편집 가능한 나무위키가 레퍼런스라는 점을 빼면 꽤 정확한 결과입니다. 그 아래 추천 질문으로 어떤걸 추천하냐는 질문이 있어 해봤습니다.


This is Bing. I searched the web for Zeroboard, XpressEngine 1.x, Rhymix recommendation and found some opinions. Here is a brief summary:


Zeroboard is outdated and not recommended for modern web development. It has many security issues and lacks features and support.


XpressEngine 1.x is a popular and versatile CMS that can be used for various purposes. However, it also has some drawbacks such as slow performance, compatibility problems and lack of updates.


Rhymix is a newer and improved fork of XpressEngine 1.8 that aims to fix the issues of XE and add more functionality and usability. It is more secure, stable and user-friendly than XE, but it may not support some XE modules or addons.


Some references for more opinions are:

1 Rhymix - 나무위키

2 Rhymix - 매뉴얼

3 rhymix/README.md at master · rhymix/rhymix · GitHub

4 XE 공식 자료실 - XpressEngine


Based on these information, I would recommend Rhymix over XE or Zeroboard, but you should also consider your own needs and preferences before choosing a CMS.


라이믹스를 XE나 제로보드보다 더 추천한다네요. 역시 출처가 나무위키라는 점만 빼면 완벽한 답변입니다.

YJSoft Lv. 10

댓글 2

  • 2023.04.24 06:32 #1758654
    공홈 매뉴얼이 부실해서;;; 그나마 가장 잘 정리되어 있고 최근 정보가 업데이트되는 곳이 나무위키니까요. 다른 AI들은 언급하지 않는 제로보드와 XE의 역사를 설명해 주는 것도 아마 나무위키를 많이 참고했기 때문인 것 같습니다.

    역시 요즘 bing이 잘 하네요. ㅋㅋㅋ
  • 2023.04.25 18:13 #1759040

    이제는 빙의 시대군요. 절대 무너지지 않을 것 같은 1위 업체도 패러다임이 바뀔때 흐름을 못타면 한순간에 확 가버리는데, 지금이 그때인가봅니다.

    우리도 이런 시대 흐름을 타야 할텐데, 웹사이트도 방향을 좀 바꿔야 할지 모르겠네요. AI가 정보를 다 긁어다가 자기가 대신 알려주니까 웹사이트 방문자들이 줄어들겠죠.