안녕하세요. PHP Exception: TypeError #0 "count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given" in addons/force_rewrite/force_rewrite.addon.php on line 187 기진곰님이 만드신건데 혹...
쿠키 삭제 하고 접속하면 이런 문구가 나옵니다 Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; inkItem has a deprecated constructor in /srv/user...
안녕하세요. php 8.2 업데이트이 후 에러로그를 차근차근히 고쳐보려고합니다. /www/widgets/ap_menu_search/ap_menu_search.class.php on line 388 function getASCII($ch) { $len = strlen($ch); if ( $len <= 0 ) ...